Dagsbrún Lecture Series

Since 2003, the library has organized an annual Dagsbrún Lecture on a topic related to the history of the labor movement. Below is a list of all of these lectures and the topics discussed.

2012 (8. november)

Þorleifur Friðriksson historian: Dagar vinnu og vona: Saga Verkamannafélagsins Dagsbrúnar í kreppu og köldu stríði.

Þorleifur talked about his new book, wich is the sequel from the book Við brún nýs dags: Saga Verkamannafélagsins Dagsbrúnar 1906-1930 that was published in 2007. In his new book he continues to discuss the history of Verkamannafélgið Dagsbrún.

2011 (8 December)

Sigurður Pétursson, historian: The history of the labor movement in the West Fjords, 1890-1930. Based on his new book Vindur í seglum.

2010 (11 November)

Ragnheiður Kristjánsdóttir, historian: Lecture on labor unions’ involvement in Icelandic nationalist politics between 1901-1944. Based on her book Nýtt fólk: Þjóðerni og íslensk verkalýðsstjórnmál 1901-1944.

2009 (15 May)

Héðinn og húsaskjólið: a conference about Héðinn Valdimarsson and the development of worker’s housing in Iceland.

2008 (30 April)

Þorgrímur Gestsson, author and journalist: Lecture on historical and journalistic methods in writing history, and on the role of the labor movement and of municipal governments in unemployment insurance.

Hörður Zóphóníasson, school principal: The Hlíf labor union: a century of history.

2007 (29 September)

Þorleifur Friðriksson, historian: About and for: writing about the past for the present. Based on the experience of writing the book Við brún nýs dags: Saga Verkamannafélagsins Dagsbrúnar 1906–1930.

2006 (23 September)

Conference commemmorating the centenary of the Dagsbrún Labor Union

The conference included seven papers and a panel discussion. The papers were then issued as a book, Samfélagsleg áhrif verkalýðshreyfingarinnar á 20. öld: framtíðarsýn á 21. öldinni (edited by Sumarliði R. Ísleifsson og Þórunn Sigurðardóttir), which was published by Efling and the Reykjavík Academy in 2007.

2005 (19 November)

Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, head of the Social Democratic Alliance: Icelandic wage-earners during a time of internationalization.

2004 (27 November)

Gylfi Arinbjörnsson, managing director of the Icelandic Confederation of Labour: Ethics and the social responsibility of corporations.

2003 (27 November)

Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, President of Iceland: Address at the opening of the historic Dagsbrún Library at the Reykjavík Academy.


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