Temporary list of uncatalogued material
The library has about 3,000 uncatalogued books and many of them, but not all, are related to the labor movement incountries outside Iceland. The books are mostly written in the Scandinavian languages, English, German, Russian and Esperanto. The library has created a simplelist of these books on this website to allow scholars at least minimal access to them. Please contact the librarian if you are interested in looking at a book on this list or if you would like to have a book catalogued.
Temporary list of uncatalogued material – web page view
Temporary list of uncatalogued material – in Excel
Rare Book Catalog
There are about 800 books in this catalog. Here you can download the file, but these books are also in the Icelandic union catalog Gegnir.is
Open access
The Dagsbrún Library has assisted authors with making their works available through open access. The library staff has made a list of all the works they’ve helped to put in open access which can be found below.
List of material in open access